Friday, October 16, 2009

My Previous Post

As you may have noticed, it’s been sometime since I’ve posted anything. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to; rather, it’s been more a personal questioning about the rationale for doing so. My original statement of purpose for this blog was something about being as honest about the past as I know how. But doing so necessarily means including the negative as well as the positive. And who do I think I am to assume that my few readers lead such boring lives that they can’t find anything better to do than read my silly little perceptions about the past (especially the negative stuff).

And that’s part of what was behind my writer’s block. The blog that precedes this one has been bubbling beneath the surface ever since beginning this new adventure. And when, in the dim recesses of consciousness, other ideas for reflection appeared, somehow I suspected that readers would respond to the particular blog submitted earlier this evening with “So what!” And that, in turn, led to doubts about saying anything of interest to others. So, why bother?

Well, the realization finally came that if I am going to continue what may be an insane journey, I’m going to have to get the long-neglected ideas bubbling in my brain about BUMS out and in print. Now, maybe I can let them go wherever they will, and who knows, maybe some new insights will take their place. I solicit and will greatly appreciate your help and comments toward that end.


  1. Parson Jim, I LOVE to read your stuff. You bring stuff to the table that's entirely new to me, with a personal flair. So rock on, and know that you're opening your own six-pack of whoop-ass in your own way.

  2. Jim,

    A blog is in many ways the modern equivalent of the public diary -- a diary that was alway meant to read by others. You get to work out your demons/thoughts/angst/whatever through writing, but always with the expectation that your work will help others. Were those public diaries always helpful to others? Probably not, but sometimes they probably were. And many people read them.

    So keep writing. People will read. They might even encourage others to read. Damn the torpedoes...pass the ammunition...raise the mizzenmast...pick your cliche...and run with it.

  3. Jim,

    I too, love to read your stuff - be it in sermon or blog form! I've told you before even though there is no way you could possibly know what is on my mind, you often touch right on the subject and give me welcome comfort.

    As one who witnessed much of the negative you would blog about, I can only say blog away and come to terms with those demons. But also know there were those of us who loved you and held you and your family in our prayers.

    As for BUMS (I do love your sense of humor!) I can only say as one who has been working in the local church for 20 years now, that you are probably right! In a world climate of cut backs and restructuring in the job market, there probably should be a restructuring of church hierarchy. Local churches are seeing apportionments grow to a point that it's difficult to pay them and continue the projects of the church in their own community.

    You are the reason I am a servant of the church. I miss your spontaneous laughter and big bear hugs! Please continue to minister to me through your written word!
